Luke McFarland Consulting & Advisory Services

"Pivoting Organizations Globally."

Secure Checkout

Privacy and Security


  • Initiative Planning and Requirements Meeting

    Here What You Get 1. Welcome and Introductions • Objective: Establish meeting purpose and introduce attendees. • Led by: Luke McFarland o Brief overview of the initiative. o Participants’ roles in the project. 2. Project Scope and Objectives • Objective: Define the overall goals and scope of the data centre initiative. 3. Technical Requirements and Standards • Objective: Identify and confirm technical requirements and adherence to standards. 4. Challenges and Risk Management • Objective: Discuss potential challenges and mitigation strategies. 5. Project Timeline and Key Milestones • Objective: Review and agree on a preliminary timeline and key deliverables. 6. Next Steps and Action Items • Objective: Conclude the meeting with clear action items and responsibilities. 7. Closing Remarks • Objective: Summarize key takeaways and address final questions.
  • Total

    USD $600.00


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Here’s the structured agenda for our 60-minute meeting to discuss your organization’s Cyber Secutity initiative.

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1. Welcome and Introduction

  • Objective: Establish meeting purpose and introduce attendees.
  • Led by: Luke McFarland
    • Brief overview of the ICT Infrastructure Refresh initiative.
    • Participants’ roles in the project.

2. Project Scope and Objectives

  • Objective: Define the overall goals and scope of the data centre initiative.
  • Discussion Points:
    • Purpose of the Cyber Security Initiative.
    • High-level business requirements and critical success factors.
    • Alignment with organizational goals (e.g., scalability, green IT, compliance).

3. Technical Requirements and Standards

  • Objective: Identify and confirm technical requirements and adherence to standards.
  • Discussion Points:
    • Vulnerability management
    • Multi-factor authentication
    • Compliance requirements (e.g., ISM, ISO 27001, PSPF).
    • Cyber certification goals (SOC 2 Compliance (Service Organization Control 2), PCI DSS Compliance (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) Implementation, Cyber Essentials (UK) or Essential Eight (Australia)

4. Challenges and Risk Management 

  • Objective: Discuss potential challenges and mitigation strategies.
  • Discussion Points:
    • Risks associated with the Cyber Security initiative or greenfield setup.
    • Downtime minimization strategies during transition.
    • Security risks and contingency planning.

5. Project Timeline and Key Milestones

  • Objective: Review and agree on a preliminary timeline and key deliverables.
  • Discussion Points:
    • Milestone identification (e.g., site selection, procurement, commissioning).
    • Integration with other IT initiatives.
    • Resource availability and dependencies.

6. Next Steps and Action Items

  • Objective: Conclude the meeting with clear action items and responsibilities.
  • Discussion Points:
    • Immediate follow-ups (e.g., detailed requirements gathering, stakeholder workshops).
    • Assign action items and set deadlines.
    • Confirm next meeting date and communication channels.

7. Closing Remarks

  • Objective: Summarize key takeaways and address final questions.
  • Led by: Luke McFarland
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